For that one tiny moment I felt I was really gagged. There was a lot to say but it seemed like words got stuck in my throat. How many times I had imagined this converstaion on this particular moment thinking that I was being omitted and left out or almost forgetton. How many nights I spent wetting my pillows, I even lost the count of them. There were so many questions but no one could answer even one.
I felt a flood of tears coming out but I had to mantain this patient somehow a bit longer. The voice which used to make my world thrill in one instant and I thought was lost; was there again, standing right there in front of me.
No questions were asked and no answers given. The moment just passed in the silence with the gaze and everything seemed just so perfect once again.
No questions were asked and no answers given. The moment just passed in the silence with the gaze and everything seemed just so perfect once again.